Messy Play!! Mum of 3 and Anxiety …...
Does anyone else cringe at the thought of messy play or is it just me?
I feel my anxiety rise at the thought of playdoh, paints or slim!!!
It’s a real thing anxiety is a big factor in why people don’t do many things the physical feelings that overcome you are crippling.... and I often feel that my children may miss out because of it. I find myself telling my four-year-old off when he has found the fingerpaints or gets out the paper sprinkles and glue. Do you?
Feeling Jealous at the Mums who post pictures of their kids enjoying messy activities and making models and getting Dirty at the park!
I find it hard to talk about it and social media groups help me silently observe others talk about their issues, so this is a first for me openly writing down for all to see the reality that is being a mum of 3 with anxiety!!
If you need help and someone to talk to there are so many amazing support groups out there so reach out shout it from the roof tops and embrace the fact that you are not alone a lot of us especially after the isolation that has been two years of a world with covid are realising the reality of living with anxiety.
But don’t let the anxiety stop you experiencing the joy on your children’s faces when they make a mess build a model or create a masterpiece for the fridge, the kids love it and it is so important Messy Play isn't just beneficial for the children it's great for the parents to so you can learn new ways to engage learning at home,
Messy Play (It has taken a while!!) has become a welcome break for us all in my home despite my own reservations.
I just must be mentally prepared for the Mess!! but an old shower curtain on the floor or table does the trick and making sure it’s a planned activity helps me cope.
‘Messy play helps to grow happy and curious minds, Through Messy Play, children explore the worlds textures and sensations, and involve more of their senses in the learning process.
These new sensations enable the brain to establish new synaptic- connections- therefore learning through play is so important in the early years, not to mention its lots of fun!!'
Here is an idea for you to try at home,
Animals in taste-safe mud,
This gives young children and toddlers the opportunity to get messy without the fear of the consumption of real mud....
Items Needed:
2cups corn starch (Corn Flour) –1 cup of water-1 cup of powdered hot chocolate mix or cocoa powder - Assorted Dinosaur (or any toys)- Container-Spoon and Bowl- Tray
First combine Corn Flour/starch and the cocoa powder in a bowl you can choose how firm or funny you would like the Mud by adding water to the bowl slowly and stopping when you have reached the desired thickness. Finally add the assortment of animals and you're ready for Muddy Messy Fun!!
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